
Nyt ZINE om K-Town

Feature February 3 2014, af passive/aggressive Living In The City

Af Simon Christensen

Et nyt fanzine er på gaden i denne uge. “Living In The City” er lavet af Alexander Sjöberg, det er superflot sat op i den klassiske zine stil, og der er så vidt vides allerede planlagt en vol. 2. Zinet indeholder spillestedsoversigt, show-kalender, interviews med Byens Radio, Tumor Warlord, Commie Cowboys og Brudte Løfter + diverse fastfood news, anmeldelser og billedreportager.

“Hello dear reader, and welcome to the very first issue of LIVING IN THE CITY, a zine born out of the Copenhagen aka the K-Town punk- and hardcore milieu, edited by me – AS. The idea to do this zine was born last summer, where frustration over the lack of written (printed) words on the Copenhagen punk- and hardcore-movement ended with me doing some initial work. What you’re holding in your hands is the result of many brainstorms and late nights spent writing and cut-and-pasting – and my first ever zine attempt by the way. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as i’ve enjoyed making it, if not I hope it might serve you well as an emergency toilet paper solution. […] biggest thanks goes to all of you that contribute actively to the Copenhagen dyi scene; booking, releasing, playing, cleaning, doing bar and door shifts etc. etc. It all counts, and it helps us getting somewhere. Continue to do what you’re doing, and there’ll be something to write about in a possible LITC #2. Stay active – stay diy.”

Download “Living In The City” eller find det via distributionslisten hos bla. Repo Man, Dortheavej 61 og i Insula Music på print til en pris på 10 kroner eller on donation (hvor donerer man?). Afsted hvis du vil støtte alternative musikmedier i Danmark.

Info: K-Town Winter Fest finder sted på lørdag (RSVP).
KBH 2014 Festival finder sted den 7.-8. marts (RSVP).
K-Town Hardcore Fest 2014 den 6.-8. juni (RSVP).
K-Town Deathfest V finder sted i den 6.-8. september (RSVP).