
Aaron Dilloway – Residential tape experiments (premiere)

Blog November 15 2017, af passive/aggressive 22053817628-44064287f2-k_page_image

By Simon Christensen I can’t remember a time in Copenhagen with the music scene being as diverse and inspiring as this. Not only are there plenty of interesting local artists, but the number of great musicians and pioneers who have been visiting, recording or setup new projects in Copenhagen in recent years is at an all time high. I am not only talking about ...

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Aaron Dilloway – Poetiske lydbilleder fra noise-veteran

Kritik May 2 2017, af passive/aggressive aarondillowaydaisrecords

Aaron Dilloway “The Gag File” (Dais Records / Hanson Records, 2017) – anmeldelse af Simon Christensen Han var med til at starte Wolf Eyes, driver en pladeforretning i Ohio og står for utallige udgivelser i mikrooplag i eget navn, ofte i samarbejde med ligesindede lydeksperimentalister som Kevin Drumm, Emeralds, Jason Lescalleet og ikke mindst noiseikonet Robert Turman, der flere gange har krediteret Dilloway for ...

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Robert Turman – Beyond worldly values (interview)

Feature March 6 2015, af passive/aggressive Turman1

By Simon Christensen. A rare interview with noise pioneer and former NON-member, Robert Turman, who a few years ago resumed his career and ventures in music from the 70’s and 80’s. That happened with help from a.o. Aaron Dilloway (Hanson Records) and Danish label Cejero, who released Turman’s latest record “Three Parts”, set up his European tour, and reminded us of the reserved musician’s extraordinary and ...

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