International Women’s Day – paying homage to brilliance
March 8 2019, af Macon Holt

Article by Laura Juncker and Astrid Hald
Today is International Women’s Day, which gives us a chance to reflect on the state of things in our immediate surroundings. To look at the workings of what we might be working with. At first glance, we might ask what do the obvious, hard-fact, explicit numbers and ratios tell us? For example, how many ...
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Passive/Aggressive – Succes Mixtape
August 30 2013, af passive/aggressive

“John Cage snakker lidt om, at han ikke synes at Glenn Branca er god (det første, jeg tænkte, da du spurgte mig, om jeg ville lave et mixtape, var ellers, at der skulle et Glenn Branca nummer med, The Ascension, men det spolerede Cage med hans tanker om alt muligt). Marie Currie og Gareth Williams spiller ind over indtil et eller ...
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