
Passive/Aggressive – New Danish Sound Mixtape

Mixtape April 4 2012, af passive/aggressive

Passive/Aggressive proudly presents a selection the best New Danish Sounds of what, we consider, is the finest, most heartfelt and curious music in this rotten kingdom. Passive/Aggressive’s aim is to change the way people talks and especially writes about music in Denmark, and to liberate the classic view on aesthetics in music, to democratize the distribution of music, and really to offer a suitable ...

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Kala-OK – A Mixtape

Mixtape March 30 2012, af passive/aggressive

Kristian Mondrup fra Kala-OK har kompileret dette vilde Passive/Aggressive mixtape med chilleren musik og lavet et cover. Prisen er et like, en stemme og et lyt mere. Kala-OK debuterer den 11. april (Tambourhinoceros) med albummet “Reminiscience of a Bodily Blues”, et forskruet, melodisk og tæt album, som Mondrup blandt andet har lavet med sin kæreste, den kinesiske kunstner Shiyuan Liu, ...

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