
Ragnhild May & Kristoffer Raasted – Musikalske proteser og institutionskritik

Blog Kritik June 8 2023, af Claus Haxholm

Ragnhild May & Kristoffer Raasted,  “Institutional Critique for Kindergarten” (Polychrome, 2023) – anmeldelse af Claus Haxholm Ragnhild May og Kristoffer Raasted er begge billed- og lydkunstnere og har dannet musikalsk par over en del år, hvor de bl.a. har turneret i Japan med værket “Portable Organs” for orgel og stemme. May har dog ofte også arbejdet med fløjter i hendes musik, i ...

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Jura – “What do you rely on to let yourself think you have witnessed this beauty?” (interview)

Blog April 5 2023, af Alexander Julin

By Macon Holt When I talked to Jura, she was in London. Why? Well, as it became clear, her main reason for being in the city was simply to be and feel elsewhere. Jura’s debut album, “Formality Jerne-Site”, was released by Anyines in 2022, during P/A’s fallow period, which means that this challenging, elegant, ambivalent and tender record hasn’t had the critical attention it deserves. And ...

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Festskrift IV – Passive/Aggressive releases new publication about RHYTHM

Print February 26 2021, af nilsbloch

Today Passive/Aggressive is releasing the fourth edition of our Festskrift-series – a line of publications aiming to give artists and cultural actors a chance to unfold their thoughts and visions about a given topic and by the same token attempts to provoke such reflection. Festskrift IV is a collection of reflections around the phenomenon of RHYTHM – written, illustrated and recorded by musicians, graphic designers, DJ’s and ...

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