
Anyines – Record Labels in the Age of the Platform

Feature Most read November 11 2019, af nilsbloch

Interview by Macon Holt  The small Copenhagen music platform, Anyines, was founded in 2017 by long-time members of the Danish electronic (is there any other kind) music scene, Villads Klint (Minais B) and Aske Zidore (An Gella). Based out of the administrative building for a former maintenance facility for the Danish State train company DSB, the locations of their studio has the same atmosphere ...

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Holly Herndon – More-than-human, non-human, inhuman

Kritik May 24 2019, af Macon Holt

Holly Herndon “PROTO” (4AD, 2019) – review by Mikkel Rørbo When it comes to Holly Herndon’s third album, “PROTO”, all anyone wants to talk about, it seems, is artificial intelligence. It’s everywhere at the moment; in my own work as well, which is why I thought I’d find it ever so compelling. But really, to just focus on this one conceptual aspect ...

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