
Jacques Attali – An introduction to Noise: The Political Economy of Music

Feature Most read November 21 2019, af nilsbloch

Essay by Macon Holt Before he was the head of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, and before he was an economic advisor to French president François Mitterrand, Jacques Attali wrote a strange book that was hugely influential within peculiar circles—“Noise: The Political Economy of Music (Bruits: essai sur l’economie politique de la musique)”. The book appeared in French in ...

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Make it Weirder – The Copenhagen Scene from an International Perspective

Feature Most read November 18 2019, af passive/aggressive

By Ivna Franic The periodic excitement over locally specific music scenes appears to be alive and well, having successfully survived the beginning of the Internet age and the still rising tendency of geographically displaced scenes. It would be a stretch to say that the functioning of local scenes has not at all changed, but despite the fact that the ability to publish music releases and build up an international fanbase have become easier, reliance on ...

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Anyines – Record Labels in the Age of the Platform

Feature Most read November 11 2019, af nilsbloch

Interview by Macon Holt  The small Copenhagen music platform, Anyines, was founded in 2017 by long-time members of the Danish electronic (is there any other kind) music scene, Villads Klint (Minais B) and Aske Zidore (An Gella). Based out of the administrative building for a former maintenance facility for the Danish State train company DSB, the locations of their studio has the ...

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Gabestok – Klaustrofobisk og hurtig horror black metal fra øverste skuffe

Kritik Most read October 30 2019, af mikkelarre

Gabestok “TRE” (Strange Aeons Records, 2019) – anmeldelse af Rasmus Søndergård Madsen. Foto af Adriana Zak. Hvis du står i lort til halsen, skal du ikke hænge med hovedet.Anonymt dansk ordsprog. Sammen med Korpsånd tog Gabestok black metal-undergrunden med storm i 2017, da det dobbelte opsamlingsalbum “Korpsånd – An Introduction to the New Wave of DKBM” blev udgivet af Fallow Field/Tour ...

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Fryd Frydendahl & Lars Greve – Vindens lænker og fællesskabets tvetydighed

Kritik Most read September 25 2019, af nilsbloch

Fryd Frydendahl. Foto: Daniel Hjorth. Fryd Frydendahl & Lars Greve “Solhverv” (Roulette Russe, 2019) – anmeldelse af Nils Bloch-Sørensen Der er noget ved provinsen, som drager os. Som et åbent sår, vi ikke kan lade være med at stirre på. Incest-sager, vækkelsesprædikanter og rådden banan. De flade landskabers uendelighed. Den vidtstrakte himmel et kanvas at projicere drømme på. Lige dele konkret ...

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“Sonic Warfare” – An Introduction to Steve Goodman’s vibrational ontology

Feature Most read September 24 2019, af nilsbloch

Essay by Macon Holt In 2009, the producer, label owner (Hyperdub), philosopher and reluctant academic, Steve Goodman (Kode 9), released a book that would transform the philosophy of sound and, in turn, open up whole new avenues for sonic investigation through both theory and practice. The book was “Sonic Warfare: Sound, Affect, and the Ecology of Fear” from MIT Press. Structured ...

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David Berman (1967-2019) – “The light of my life is going out tonight”

Feature Most read August 12 2019, af mikkelarre

Mindeord af Jonas Okholm David Berman er død, og det er en stor sorg. Verden har mistet en poesisanger i ordets bedste forstand. Sammensat. Som menneske og kunstner. Uadskillelig. Den frigjorte energi kommer fra et vildt sted. ”The wild kindness,” siger jeg højt, fordi jeg skrev vildt … og kører videre. Jeg oplever det som kilden, hvorfra sangene, som små ...

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Sean McCann – “My pieces could be performed and interpreted by anyone interested. There is no exclusivity” (interview)

Most read April 3 2019, af mikkelarre

Interview by Peter Jørgensen Following the output and inherent growth of composer Sean McCann has been a joyous ride for me for the past couple of years. His personal and fresh approach to composing and combining sound worlds has made for some of the past years’ most interesting releases. With the added bonus of being refreshingly ignorant of “the latest trend”. Besides his ...

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