
Festskrift IV – Passive/Aggressive releases new publication about RHYTHM

Print February 26 2021, af nilsbloch

Today Passive/Aggressive is releasing the fourth edition of our Festskrift-series – a line of publications aiming to give artists and cultural actors a chance to unfold their thoughts and visions about a given topic and by the same token attempts to provoke such reflection. Festskrift IV is a collection of reflections around the phenomenon of RHYTHM – written, illustrated and recorded by musicians, graphic designers, DJ’s and ...

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New Kids – Improvisationsmusikere på episk renselsesrejse (premiere)

Blog January 25 2016, af passive/aggressive NEW-KIDS

Af Simon Christensen Rune Lohse er trommeslager og sangskriveren bag et nysamlet band med det sjovt boyband-klingende navn New Kids, som allerede har en debutvinyl på trapperne uden at tage det helt store hensyn til at tænke i singler og andre klassiske A&R-strategier. Jeg kender primært Lohse fra mere og mindre fastholdte free- og improgrupper som Jeppe Zeeberg Trio, Dødens Garderobe, Horse Orchestra, Gnom ...

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