
Passive Aggressive Conversations #2: Alto Aria

Podcast April 17 2024, af Macon Holt

Maite Cintron, with Ivna Franic and Macon Holt Passive Aggressive Conversations is our new podcast series hosted by two Passive/Aggressive journalists, Macon Holt and Ivna Franic, where we dive deep into some of the emerging sounds within the Danish music scene and their unique forms of expression. In each episode, we sit down with an exciting new independent artist, and they share their creative ...

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Passive Aggressive Conversations #1: Dalin Waldo

Podcast March 12 2024, af Alexander Julin

Maite Cintron, with Ivna Franic and Macon Holt Passive Aggressive Conversations is our new podcast series hosted by two Passive/Aggressive journalists, Macon Holt and Ivna Franic, where we dive deep into some of the emerging sounds within the Danish music scene and their unique forms of expression. In each episode, we sit down with an exciting new independent artist, and they share their ...

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GNOM – Hvorfor gå lige til kanten, når du kan kaste dig ud over den?

Blog Kritik June 7 2023, af Mimmi Bie

GNOM, “Bitumenic” (Don’t Look Back Records, 2023) – anmeldelse af Mimmi Bie, foto af Adda Elling Første gang, jeg faldt over Anders Bachs soloprojekt under navnet GNOM, var i et portrætinterview om kunstneren i The Lakes podcastserie Meet. Min interesse blev vakt af fængende lydbidder fra hans kommende udgivelse Bitumenic, der virkede som et sammensurium af genrer og soniske stemningsbilleder, ...

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The Bottomless Anxiety of Holding on to Anything – The Lake’s Works for Radio 2023

Blog March 14 2023, af Macon Holt

Works for Radio, 7th of March at Cinemateket – Review by Macon Holt Radio art is at once very open and very particular. On one level, it is simply sound art on the radio. But putting sound art on the radio has historically given it another level as it implies a tangible relationship to the institutions of mass media and the media consumption habits of millions ...

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P/A x The Lake Radio – Det Glemte Guld overtager sendefladen

April 7 2017, af passive/aggressive entertainment-2011-04-what-to-watch-herzog-herzog01_628(1)

Det Glemte Guld er en artikelserie skrevet af Mikkel Kongstad, der foruden at være multiinstrumentalist, vinylsamler og familiefar også er skribent på Passive/Aggressive – formentligt den mest specialiserede, ihærdige og systematiske musiklytter på redaktionen, der dagligt lægger en gennemargumenteret pladeanbefaling online. Ofte så tidligt om morgenen, at resten af Passive/Aggressive stadig ikke har fået øjne og ører. Hvert år i december stiller han op ...

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Works for Radio – Den digitale æter som galleri

Feature January 22 2016, af passive/aggressive 8244902374_868f49d0b6_k

Af Anina Uldum – foto (af Tasersuaq, hvor Jana Winderen har optaget sit værk): Eider Palmou/Flickr Internetradiostationen The Lake lancerede for nylig projektet ”Works for Radio”, der kan opleves i Tårnrummet hos Nikolaj Kunsthal indtil d. 24. januar og som en fast del af radiostationens flow. ”Works for Radio” er otte værker bestilt af The Lake hos folk som CM von Hausswolff, Jana Winderen, ...

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