
Claus Haxholm anmelder – Evil Moisture & Vanity Productions “Sex Sells”

Kritik February 18 2021, af passive/aggressive

Andy Bolus (photo Anmeldelse af Evil Moisture & Vanity Productions “Sex Sells” – af Claus Haxholm Briten Andy Bolus er en levende legende på noise- og zinescenen og har fra sit lille baghaveskur i Paris produceret en lang række lutrede udgivelser i billede såvel som lyd over de sidste mange år. Han er især kendt for sin hjemmebyggede elektroniske instrumenter og båndcollage-stil. 

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Vanity Productions – Crime and Punishment

Kritik June 14 2019, af nilsbloch

Vanity Productions “Only the Stars Come Out at Night” (Posh Isolation, 2019) – review by Cameron Pagett It’s early in the month of June 2018. It has been a warm day and the sun has only set from view when I sit down at the crude outdoor tables that dot the rough asphalt lining to the entrance to Mayhem where a group of about 120 people ...

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The Empire Line – The Oslo report

April 8 2018, af passive/aggressive IMG_0816

Reportage from The Empire Line, Varg, Croatian Amor, Vanity Productions at Blå, Oslo, 22.03.2018. Text and images by Cameron Pagett. There is a river which runs through the heart of Oslo. Beginning in the mountains and trickling its way down from the Artic sea on the northern tip of our continent, past fjords and craggy peaks which carve the stocking shaped country’s landscape into ...

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Wolf Eyes – The demonic joy of decay (live report)

August 20 2017, af mikkelarre wooooooooolf-eyes

Wolf Eyes + GOHV + Vanity Productions, Mayhem, August 14 – A live report by Wieland Rambke For a long time the label of noise rock hasn’t really applied anymore to Wolf Eyes. They are drawing on noise, rock, free jazz, metal, experimental electronics, new composition… The list could go on forever – in other words, trying genres to pinpoint the group is pointless. Call ...

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“The medium is the message” – Årets danske kassettebånd og andre oddsize-udgivelser 2016 (udvalgt af redaktionen)

Feature Most read January 1 2017, af passive/aggressive 15110983_10209864226375603_740154828170781013_o

Alt det, der ikke passer i massemusikmediernes logik. Kassettebånd, postkort, youtube-album, cd-r, singler og det der ligner fra den danske jungle. Der er ikke en streng afgrænsning af formatet eller konsensus omkring udvælgelsen, så her kommer 10 af årets bedste oddsize-udgivelser i vilkårlig rækkefølge og en række special mentions og boblere, der kommer rundt i ny musik og undergrunden i dansk musik. Udvalgt af ...

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