
Festival of Endless Gratitude 2017 – Sketching the outer edges of sound (reportage)

October 14 2017 , af passive/aggressive

2017_FESTIVALOFENDLESSGRATITUDE_SH-27 Festival of Endless Gratitude 2017, Sydhavnsgade, September 29-October 1. Reportage by Javier Orozco – photos by Stefan Thorndahl, videos by Morten Sichlau Bruun. The chant of ‘Gabestok! Gabestok!’ pervaded the air anticipating the Copenhagen-duo’s ground level performance. As soon as their sonic assault was unleashed, the choir became all fists and mosh pit. Those of us who stepped out of the rumble still felt ...

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Berlin Atonal 2017 – Low-risk techno

September 10 2017 , af mikkelarre

Abul Mogard_Berlin Atonal 2017 © Camille Blake-2 Berlin Atonal 2017, August 20th-24th – live report by Ivna Franić, photos: Camille Blake/Atonal Berlin Atonal’s second incarnation quickly gained the status of an industrial techno institution, bringing some of the strongest names in the game to perform exclusive sets in a unique setting year after year. Now in its fifth year, Atonal 2.0 starts to show signs ...

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Wolf Eyes – The demonic joy of decay (live report)

August 20 2017 , af mikkelarre

wooooooooolf-eyes Wolf Eyes + GOHV + Vanity Productions, Mayhem, August 14 – A live report by Wieland Rambke For a long time the label of noise rock hasn’t really applied anymore to Wolf Eyes. They are drawing on noise, rock, free jazz, metal, experimental electronics, new composition… The list could go on forever – in other words, trying genres to pinpoint the group is pointless. Call ...

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By The Lake Festival – An oasis of music of all ethnicities (live report)

Feature August 19 2017 , af passive/aggressive

image2 Reportage from By the Lake Festival, Berlin, August 13 2017 – Photo and text by Javier Orozco For the third summer in a row the swimming lake known as Weißensee, located just at the outskirts of the Prenzlauer Berg district, shapeshifted into an international one-day festival curated by Efterklang and the Danish radio station The Lake. Sunday appeared a notch shy, as it denied ...

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Musik Til Mor – Subversiv stilstand

April 30 2017 , af nilsbloch

Musik til mor Reportage fra Tredje Rutine af Nils Bloch-Sørensen Rasmus Baks projekt Musik Til Mor har de sidste par år været uforklarligt dragende for mig. Jeg er ikke rigtig i stand til at forklare, præcis hvad det er ved den rene lyd, de underspillede melodier eller den forsigtige lyrik, der fortryller mig. Alle komponenterne i musikken fremstår hver for sig så anonyme, at musikken ...

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Présences électronique – Dage i lydfænomenets arrondissement (reportage)

Feature April 18 2017 , af passive/aggressive

IMG_7768 Reportage fra Présences électronique af Mads Kjeldgaard Her danser man på ligene. Hver en centimeter af hvert et hjørne tages i brug: Breakdance, vogue og tango, alt går. Alle er i bevægelse – man må vade gennem 2-3 dansegulv for overhovedet at komme på toilettet. Og det er bogstaveligt talt alt det her – vi er i kulturhuset Le Centquatre (104) i Paris, som tidligere har ...

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Halfdan Pisket og “Den Usynlige By” – Tilgængelighedens politik

April 12 2017 , af nilsbloch

albrecthsen-kirkegaard-high Livereportage fra CPH:DOX af Nils Bloch-Sørensen Den 22. marts, mens CPH:DOX-festivalen var i fuldt flor, havde jeg dobbeltbooket mig selv. Ved ni-tiden var planen, at jeg, sammen med resten af Københavns lydnørder, skulle indfinde mig i Imperials sal og opleve Peter Albrechtsen og Jacob Kirkegaards nye lydinstallation, ”Den Usynlige By”. Men i et anfald af festival-FOMO besluttede jeg mig for først at nå så ...

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