
Peter Jørgensen – Waking us up from reality, weaving us into a dream

Kritik June 21 2019, af mikkelarre

Peter Jørgensen ”Alt i stykker” (No Technique, 2019) – review by Giuseppe Pisano Along the years Peter Jørgensen has developed a compositional style that shares common elements with both the new wave of Scandinavian electronic ambient music and the modern-classical long form experimentations of either minimal-music composers such as Morton Feldman and more recent figures in the contemporary music panorama such as Anthony Pateras. In this sense ...

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Port Out, Starboard Home – Stil bliver form

June 18 2019, af nilsbloch

Posh Isolation 10-års-jubilæum “Port Out, Starboard Home”, 23.5-26.5 2019 @Overgaden Institut for Samtidskunst – reportage af Magnus Kaslov I maj fejrede det københavnske pladeselskab og kunstnerkollektiv Posh Isolation sit 10-års-jubilæum med en tre-dages-festival med titlen “Port Out, Starboard Home”. Overgaden Institut for Samtidskunst lagde i den forbindelse lokaler til en installation, der fungerede som centrum for de tre dages fejring med et tætpakket program, ...

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Suzanne Ciani – Navigating the evolutionary path (interview)

June 16 2019, af mikkelarre

Interview by Astrid Hald

Iconic composer and sound designer extraordinaire Suzanne Ciani made her way by Malmö last month to give a live quadraphonic performance at the culture house Inkonst, dedicated to experimental art and music. While being classically trained American Ciani entered the forefront of the world of electronics in the ‘60s when encountering synthesizer pioneer Don Buchla and thus the Buchla analogue modular synthesizer – the instrument which has become inseparable from her name ever since. After debuting with the experimental “Voices of Packaged Souls” in 1970, she has produced an endless string of masterpieces, all of which have contributed to the expansion and humanisation of the experience of electronic sound – and earned her 5 Grammy-nominations over time – through albums, films scores and commercials, such as one of her iconic ‘voice-over’ to the computerised washing machine.

After a 40 year break from performing live with the Buchla, she returned in 2016 and has been touring on and off since then. But no performance is a given, she tells Passive/Aggressive in Malmö. “The day it breaks is the day I stop. It’s not an automatic thing like, “oh, you’re gonna do another Buchla concert?” It’s like am I gonna do another?”

Ahead of her performance, we sat down with her for a conversation about being a female pioneer that has paved the way for a new generation of analogue aficionados.

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Vanity Productions – Crime and Punishment

Kritik June 14 2019, af nilsbloch

Vanity Productions “Only the Stars Come Out at Night” (Posh Isolation, 2019) – review by Cameron Pagett It’s early in the month of June 2018. It has been a warm day and the sun has only set from view when I sit down at the crude outdoor tables that dot the rough asphalt lining to the entrance to Mayhem where a group of about 120 people ...

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Ursula Nistrup – The sound of sand and wind sculpting speculative alternatives to Planet Earth

Kritik June 12 2019, af mikkelarre

Ursula Nistrup’s installation “From the Pink Sand” at the art museum of Holstebro – photo by David Stjernholm Ursula Nistrup ”Cosmic Desert” (Resonans Recordings, 2019) – review by Wieland Rambke In just a few weeks, on July 20, we will see the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. With mankind setting foot in outer space, we ourselves have become aliens: An extra-terrestrial species roaming the universe, ...

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Soho Rezanejad – At lade magien flyde ind i dystopien

Kritik June 11 2019, af nilsbloch

Soho Rezanejad “Torino” (Silicone Records, 2019) – anmeldelse af Nils Bloch-Sørensen Soho Rezanejad gør altid sit arbejde grundigt. Intet ved hendes udgivelser er halvhjertet: Musik, videoer, promotion og koncerter – alt virker gennemarbejdet og kontrolleret. Fra selvudgivelse til ambitiøse tværmediale projekter. På mange måder står det i ret skarp kontrast til den måde, eksperimenterende miljøer normalt fungerer på, hvor det amatøristiske fejres, og fokus ...

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Audiodrome #20 – M for Moroder, Giorgio

Audiodrome June 9 2019, af passive/aggressive

Af Simon Tornby

Giovanni Giorgio Moroder er uden tvivl bedst kendt for sin discomusik. Manden opfandt stort set det, vi i dag kender som disco.

Hans musik var tidligere blevet brugt i andre film, men i ‘78 lavede Moroder sit første egentlige soundtrack, til Alan Parkers “Midnight Express”. Soundtracket blev, som nærmest alt andet han rørte dengang, et stort hit på dansegulvet. Og op igennem 80’erne stod Moroder bag en lang række af store filmrelaterede hits som f.eks: “Take my Breath Away” – indspillet af Berlin til Top Gun; “Dangerzone” – indspillet af Kenny Loggins til Top Gun; “Never ending story” – indspillet af Limahl til The Never Ending Story; “Together in Electric Dreams” – indspillet af Philip Oakley til Electric Dreams; “Call Me” – indspillet af Blondie til American Gigolo; “Cat People” – indspillet af Bowie til Cat People; “What a Feeling” – indspillet af Irene Cara til Flashdance; “Love Kills” –indspillet af Freddie Mercury til Moroders restaurering i ‘84 af Fritz Langs Metropolis.

I 2013 dukkede Giorgio Moroder op igen efter 20 års pause på Daft Punks “Random Access Memories” Herefter har han deltaget i en lang række remixes, computerspil, og alle mulige andre musikalske samarbejder. Men mest interessant er samarbejdet med Raney Shockne, og her især soundtracket fra 2018 til tv-serien “Queen of the South”. Læs resten

Click Festival 2019 – Strategies of resistance (a live report)

June 5 2019, af nilsbloch

Prison ReligionPhoto by Stine Sophie Winckel Click Festival 2019, 18-19th of May @ Kulturværftet, Helsingør – reportage by Ivna Franic. Taking place one weekend in May, Helsingør’s Click Festival presents a tight selection of music and art performances, talks, installations and screenings spread over two days. Now in its ninth year, the latest edition of Click saw the music program cutting down on headliners more than ever ...

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Kasper Marott – Drømmefulde dansetoner og polyfonisk percussion

Kritik June 3 2019, af Alexander Julin

Kasper Marott & Alfredo92 “Os To EP” (Axces Records, 2019) og Kasper Marott “Forever Mix” (Kulør, 2019) – anmeldelse af Alexander Julin Mortensen Den københavnske producer Kasper Marott har etableret sig som en stærk stemme inden for alsidig house og techno, og under sit navn såvel som aliasset Tandoori har han udsendt en række EP’er både sidste år og i år. Disse tæller bl.a. “Keflavik”, der udkom på ...

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