
oqbqbo – Vokalens varme i eksilets ensomhed

Blog Kritik March 27 2019, af nilsbloch

oqbqbo “Untitled” (Posh Isolation, 2019) – anmeldelse af Nils Bloch-Sørensen oqbqbo er russiske Nastya Sipulinas soloprojekt og et forholdsvis ubeskrevet blad på den danske scene. Hun har tidligere udgivet et selvbetitlet album på kassettebånd, mens mini-albummet “Untitled” er hendes første soloudgivelse for Posh Isolation. Hvor hendes tidligere udspil har været markant mere upbeat og dansable, er “Untitled” en anderledes afdæmpet affære. Alle ingredienserne til festen ...

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ZONE Collective — Getting into the ZONE with Compilation Vol. 2

Kritik March 22 2019, af Macon Holt

V/A: ZONE Compilation Vol.2 (ZONE Collective). Review by Ivna Franić. The Copenhagen-based ZONE Collective is back with their second compilation, featuring another refreshing collection of tracks by underground acts mostly hailing from Denmark and the UK. Although the majority of the acts here expectedly operates between different styles of electronic and noise music—while also sharing an affinity for intriguing sound design—the new ...

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Deaf Center – Towards a more spacious melancholy

March 19 2019, af mikkelarre

Interview by Mathias Ruthner Though having existed for more than 15 years, the forthcoming album, “Low Distance”, is only Deaf Center’s third full-length release. Since the Norwegian duo released their first EP, “Neon City”, their output has been somewhat sparse due to the geographical distance between its two members and their wide range of other collaborative and solo outputs. Since the start of their ...

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These New Puritans – Music critique as an art form and the end of the world as compositional imperative

Blog March 16 2019, af Macon Holt

Essay by Macon Holt “Critique is so limiting and emotionally draining. I have always wanted to do something long form, beyond opinion; dip my toe into an exploration of origin and essence; the metamorphosis of spirit into reality.” — Morf Vanderwalt, “Velvet Buzzsaw” These New Puritans are a British band, formerly on Domino records, who initially garnered attention in 2006/7 as the arty-ist members of ...

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Ryong & Raquin – Musikalske eskaleringer og opløftelser

Kritik March 15 2019, af Alexander Julin

Raquin “Dance of the Peacock” & Ryong “s/t” (Janushoved, 2019) – anmeldelse af Alexander Julin Mortensen Mens januar ebbede mod sin ende, blev tre nye titler tilføjet til Janushoveds fortsat ekspanderende katalog af båndudgivelser. Ud over “One Shot, One Life” af Internazionale, Mikkel Valentins 20. (!) udgivelse under aliasset, udkom der bånd fra to af de aktører, der senest er blevet tilføjet Janushoveds særegne ...

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Body2Body – Quenching Aarhus’ thirst for hard music (interview)

Blog March 13 2019, af mikkelarre

DJ Lag Body2Body, March 16th & 22nd @ TAPE, Aarhus – live preview by Ivna Franic Aarhus is in for two pretty sickening events this month – headlined by Lee Gamble and DJ Lag, respectively, and organized by Body2Body, a local club night promoting genre-bending music, pairing cutting edge international acts with leading local talent, and putting a focus on the visuals. Body2Body has so far put ...

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International Women’s Day – paying homage to brilliance

Blog March 8 2019, af Macon Holt

Article by Laura Juncker and Astrid Hald Today is International Women’s Day, which gives us a chance to reflect on the state of things in our immediate surroundings. To look at the workings of what we might be working with. At first glance, we might ask what do the obvious, hard-fact, explicit numbers and ratios tell us? For example, how many female names have ...

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Nyredolk – Forsætligt eller ej

Kritik March 7 2019, af passive/aggressive

Nyredolk “s/t” (Caligari Records 2018/Strange Aeons 2019) – Anmeldelse af Klaus Q Hedegaard Nielsen Kassettebåndscentalen for undergrundsfarlig musik, Caligari Records fra Tampa, udgav oktober 2018 danske Nyredolks demodebut på… ja, kassettebånd, og udgivelsen fik en overraskende god modtagelse. Ikke mindst fordi det toneangivende CVLT Nation gav dem en flot anbefaling og en årslisteplads i blackmetal-kategorien med på vejen. Nu er selvsamme debutudgivelse endelig ude på 7” vinyl via ...

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Gossiwor – Moderne folklore-hymner

Kritik March 5 2019, af Alexander Julin

Gossiwor “Domestic Saga” (5 Gate Temple, 2019) – anmeldelse af Alexander Julin Mortensen Duoen Gossiwor består af John T. Gast og Asger Hartvig. John T. Gast har ud over sine soloudgivelser på bl.a. Blackest Ever Black og Planet Mu også samarbejdet med Inga Copeland og Dean Blunt. Efter at være startet i hedengangne Synd og Skam har Hartvig været involveret i en række musikalske projekter både som musiker og producer for bl.a. LOL Beslutning, Värmland-forsamlingen, CTM og ...

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