
N.E.GIRL – Music can extend our identities

Blog Print June 7 2021, af nilsbloch

Collage by N.E.Girl The following is an excerpt from our newly released Festskrift IV. A collection of reflections around the phenomenon of RHYTHM – written, illustrated and recorded by musicians, graphic designers, DJ’s and multidisciplinary artists. N.E.Girl is a UK bass DJ blending styles from different underground scenes. She is also one third of the Copenhagen based label Solumn Records and a resident ...

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Lisbeth Diers – Rytme Refleksioner

Feature March 15 2021, af nilsbloch

Dette er et uddrag fra vores nyligt udgivne Festskrift IV. En samling refleksioner over fænomenet RYTME – skrevet, illustreret og indspillet af musikere, grafiske designere, DJs og interdisciplinære kunstnere. Lisbeth Diers er en dansk percussionist/trommeslager og komponist. Hun har været aktiv siden slutningen af 1980’erne og medvirket på over 90 udgivelser.

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Petra Skibsted – Changeable As In Liquid—A Conversation

Feature March 4 2021, af nilsbloch

Photo: Alik The following is an excerpt from our newly released Festskrift IV. A collection of reflections around the phenomenon of RHYTHM – written, illustrated and recorded by musicians, graphic designers, DJ’s and multidisciplinary artists. Petra Skibsted is a Copenhagen- and Berlin-based techno artist who releases and performs under the moniker Peachlyfe. Their contribution to Festskrift IV consist of both the written component presented here and an ...

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Festskrift IV – Passive/Aggressive releases new publication about RHYTHM

Print February 26 2021, af nilsbloch

Today Passive/Aggressive is releasing the fourth edition of our Festskrift-series – a line of publications aiming to give artists and cultural actors a chance to unfold their thoughts and visions about a given topic and by the same token attempts to provoke such reflection. Festskrift IV is a collection of reflections around the phenomenon of RHYTHM – written, illustrated and recorded by musicians, ...

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Passive/Aggressive #9 – Nyt tidsskrift udkommer på print

"Isolation" Blog December 17 2020, af nilsbloch

Passive/Aggressive #9 “Isolation” udkommer på print i dag – og bliver gratis frem til 31.12.2020 pga. Covid-19. Tidsskriftet kan afhentes hos: Ark Books, Proton Records, Sort Kaffe & Vinyl og Polychrome; eller sendes mod betaling af fragt (40 kr.) – bestil ved at sende din postadresse per mail til Alle abonnementer på Patreon får også automatisk et ...

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