
Music is a form of care – perspectives on vibrations, community, and the works of Steve Goodman, Thodén and Clarissa Conelly

Feature June 5 2024

Foto: Red Bull Music Academy By Juliette Thouin Today, music seems more and more diluted into the backdrop of our daily routines. This essay explores some ways in which music, more than a product to be consumed, can be a powerful form of care and community. The relentless commercialisation of music risks alienating us from its essence, presenting it as a functional tool rather than a source of emotional and social resonance. This gradual change encouraged me to seek ...

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“Sonic Warfare” – An Introduction to Steve Goodman’s vibrational ontology

Feature Most read September 24 2019, af nilsbloch

Essay by Macon Holt In 2009, the producer, label owner (Hyperdub), philosopher and reluctant academic, Steve Goodman (Kode 9), released a book that would transform the philosophy of sound and, in turn, open up whole new avenues for sonic investigation through both theory and practice. The book was “Sonic Warfare: Sound, Affect, and the Ecology of Fear” from MIT Press. Structured ...

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