
Trulofa Trio – freefolk for en flyvende shaman

October 13 2012, af passive/aggressive

I denne uge udgiver danske Trulofa Trio (med medlemmer fra Elektronavn, Shiggajon, inklusiv Jon Dræby) sin tredje vinylplade hos det italienske free-label Sagittarius A-Star, som indtil 2010 gik under navnet Qbico (også Sun Ra, Cluster, Mats Gustafsson) – det eneste sted Trulofa er udgivet. Samtidig udgiver Sagittarius et nyt album med Black Motor, der kommer fra den interessante musikby Tampere i Finland. Begge udgivelser fejres med en releasefest på Mayhem søndag aften.

Den første Trulofa-plade – læs: true love – er en opsamling af materiale fra 2004-2006, og de følgende to er freefolk, der er lavet som improvisationsplader på et simpelt setup med blæsere og percussion (fx. fløjter, håndtrommer, saxofon). Trulofa var medarrangør af Qbico U-night i 2006 i Århus med bla. Daniel Carter, og siden har Qbico/Sagattarius så udgivet alle tre Trulofa-albums.

“Jon (Dræby, ed.) organized the qbico u-nite IV in Aarhus, Denmark back in 2006… when i met him, i immeditaly sensed being in presence of a sensational xhol/a very young nature boy with his own voice… so we made the 1st Truelove LP on qbico… this is the new Trulofa Trio with Magnus (Elektronavn/Pink Luminous Invocation) and Nikolai (Shiggajon/Elektronavn) = probably my favourite group around these days (not too many unfortunatly)… if you dig esoteric free folk jazz with ritual drumming, this is for you. such a natural and ritualistic sound/vibe… yes, with grey hair i start to appreciate more simple things… and apart from being effective, it perfectly mirror the music: for the dancing/flying shaman…”

“The Black Motor on Sagittarius (after their 1st qbico release) ! probably one of best & more respected free music outfit in Europe right now, for sure they rules in Finland and especially in their own town, Tampere where they even have i think a bi-monthly night called Black Motor Klubi at legendary Club Telakka… it’s for sure one of the tightest group i know of, having the chance to play a lot together and this is clearly manifest when you hear their unfocused playing…” (via Emmanuel fra Sagittarius A-star – læs også hans musikcredo/se hans billeder).

Info: Trulofa Trio + Black Motor releasekoncert søndag den 14. oktober. (RSVP)