
Deaf Center – Towards a more spacious melancholy

March 19 2019, af mikkelarre

Interview by Mathias Ruthner Though having existed for more than 15 years, the forthcoming album, “Low Distance”, is only Deaf Center’s third full-length release. Since the Norwegian duo released their first EP, “Neon City”, their output has been somewhat sparse due to the geographical distance between its two members and their wide range of other collaborative and solo outputs. Since the ...

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Body2Body – Quenching Aarhus’ thirst for hard music (interview)

Blog March 13 2019, af mikkelarre

DJ Lag Body2Body, March 16th & 22nd @ TAPE, Aarhus – live preview by Ivna Franic Aarhus is in for two pretty sickening events this month – headlined by Lee Gamble and DJ Lag, respectively, and organized by Body2Body, a local club night promoting genre-bending music, pairing cutting edge international acts with leading local talent, and putting a focus on the visuals. Body2Body has so ...

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jjjacob – Omsluttende lyddesign med plads til lytteren

Blog February 26 2019, af mikkelarre

Af Mikkel Arre Godt nok har jjjacob base i København, men ud over at han har lavet et mixtape til Petrola 80, er det svært at koble ham til hjembyen. Hans seneste EP, ”Angelic Hostility”, udkom via Paris-selskabet High Heal, han har udgivelser på vej via flere spanske labels, og han har lavet mixtapes til medier i bl.a. Estland, Tjekkiet og USA. At hans ...

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Kætø – Teasing the means of production

Kritik February 18 2019, af mikkelarre

Kætø ”Poppers and Rotation – Processen” (self-released, 2019) – review by Wieland Rambke Pop music as a phenomenon is both private and public. The daydreams that pop music evokes and communicates are inherently personal. A well-made pop song makes us feel that we stand in personal correspondence with the artist. At the same time, this experience is shared with everyone that the song ...

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Soft Items – Et oprør mod det afgrænsede lydbillede

Kritik February 14 2019, af mikkelarre

Soft Items “Structure of” (Sensorisk Verden, 2019) – anmeldelse af Astrid Hald Soft Items’ “Structure of” er ved første gennemlytning som at sidde med ørene ved et digitalt arkæologisk fund. Over 11 varierende numre føres man gennem lydcollager bestående af nedbarberede field recordings, synthflader, der usentimentalt akkompagneres af kraftigt manipulerede vokaler, og elektroniske komponenter, der i øjeblikke henfører én til maskinrummets indre. Værket, ...

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Percy Records – having friends over for birthday

February 11 2019, af mikkelarre

Photo: Cameron Pagett Percy Records 2 years, Mayhem and Bolsjefabrikken, February 2nd 2019 – live report by Ivna Franić It’s almost hard to believe that Copenhagen’s Percy Records has only just turned two. In the brief couple of years it’s been around Percy has come to be more than just a record store, with occasional record release parties and afternoon DJ ...

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Croatian Amor – Examining the lethargic melancholia of the digital age

Kritik January 31 2019, af mikkelarre Photo: Jane Pain

Photo: Jane Pain Croatian Amor: “Isa” (Posh Isolation, 2019) – review by Ivna Franić Returning with his first album since 2016’s gorgeous “Love Means Taking Action”, Croatian Amor once again delves into desolate moods and meditations on navigating the digital world. If the previous LP hadn’t made it clear enough that the project was moving away from the tried combo of ...

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Modest – Knastørre guitarspark i nostalgisk perspektiv

Blog January 23 2019, af mikkelarre

Af Simon Lund Pedersen Den 25. januar udsender den aarhusianske rockgruppe Modest deres anden EP, ”For the Better”. Her fører kvartetten lytter durk gennem en mur af fuzz-pedaler og skrigende vokalharmonier. De 23 minutter og 31 sekunder ligger solidt på grænsen mellem 80’er-inspireret indiepop og storladen stadionrock. De korte og præcise skæringer blander den upolerede rockguitar med stærke omkvæd og fængende popmelodier. ...

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MadeiraDiG 2018 – Notes on island mentality

Blog January 17 2019, af mikkelarre

Damien Dubrovnik – photo by Roland Owsnitzki Live report by Mette Slot Johnsen I grew up on a small island in Denmark, and I live on a big one in London, UK. I’ve never thought of island mentality a lot beyond instinctively wanting to escape it, but with Brexit looming I wanted to revisit island mentality and what it means. When I came ...

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