
Hooray For Earth – Mixtape for Denmark

Mixtape August 19 2012, af passive/aggressive

by noel heroux of hooray for earth, newyork

It’s no secret that us and our friends have all fallen hard for Denmark in the past few years…for me it started with the accidental acquisition of “…And The Glass Handed Kites” (by Mew, ed.) in 2005, then later discovering Oh No Ono in 2009. At that point it seemed to me that I’d found a place where like-minded musicians were just totally letting loose and creating all this majestic, fantastical music. This mix here is just kind of a journey riding along that sort of feeling – some tracks related, some random (some obviously of Danish descent). This is a clunky mix I guess but it’s just all about the magic in each of the songs.

The start and end tracks were both sent to me by Malthe Fischer a couple years ago when he was giving us a bit of education on Danish classics (hope I got the titles right). Thanks to Nis Svoldgård for the Gangway introduction. Also please excuse the poor quality of that old Thulebasen track, I think it was downloaded from MySpace.

00:00 Solen Er So Rød Mor
01:22 Noon Moon by Bear In Heaven
05:05 Keep The Dog Quiet by Owen Pallett
08:15 Beelitz by Oh No Ono
13:50 Bath by The Divine Comedy
16:00 New Colors by Figurines
19:54 Non by The Gasman
23:30 My Girl And Me by Gangway
27:11 Peacock In The Tall Grass by The Ice Choir
31:10 The Brazilian by Genesis
36:00 Blue Bone by Thulebasen
38:55 Straws by Zambri
42:40 A Rose For Emily by Zombies
45:00 White’s Dream by Plaid
49:30 Vær velkommen, Herrens år

Bonusinfo: Hooray for Earth udgiver ny single den 21. august. Bandet giver koncert til dette års Trailerpark Festival den 31. august til 2. september med blandt andre D/R/U/G/S, Hhappinness og Kala-OK. (RSVP)