
Ambient connections – Danish soundscapes and Waking Life reflections

Feature July 26 2024

Article and pictures by Juliette Thouin In Ocean of Sound (1995), sound artist and music theorist David Toop gives an alternative history of ambient music that weaves together an immensely disparate array of sounds, genres, styles, stories, and eras. Going from Debussy to Sun Ra to Aphex to Lee Perry to Arthur Russell, it’s a story of experimental (and technological) music’s journey across the twentieth century. A particularly engaging aspect of Toop’s theory is his departure from ambient’s strict ...

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Croatian Amor – At skabe nye forbindelser og fortællinger (interview)

Blog September 4 2023, af Amalia Keck

Interview af Amalia Keck Al-Habahbeh. Foto: Croatian Amor pressebillede.  I maj udkom Croatian Amors nyeste album, “A Part of You in Everything” på pladeselskabet Posh Isolation. Loke Rahbek, manden bag Croatian Amor, har igennem tiden haft en stor indflydelse på den danske elektroniske scene med et hav af udgivelser henover mere end et årti, der blandt andet tæller danske eksperimenterende noise-, ambient-, ...

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JRMMT – En musikalsk bevidsthedsstrøm

Kritik April 6 2020, af emilgrarup

Af Emil GrarupJeg har observeret en sjov tendens igennem de seneste par år. Medlemmer fra indierock-grupper, som var store i Danmark i slutningen af 00’erne og starten af 10’erne vender sig pludselig mod eksperimentalmusik af den ene eller anden art som en slags overgangsrite til voksenlivet. Aske Zidore og Malthe Fischer fra den hedengange Aalborg-kvintet Oh No Ono har udgivet eksperimenterende klubmusik som hhv. An ...

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sega bodega & CPH Power – More than a show

April 29 2019, af Macon Holt

Reportage and photographs by Cameron Pagett The room of Pumpehuset’s main stage is empty. Empty but for two zany lighting technicians playing DJ to a pair of blinking strobes. On the main stage, there is a metal bar holding a tapestry of thin, vertical, clear plastic panels, which hold a keyboard in a tiny enclosure surrounded by LED lamps quaintly behind them. Directly to the right ...

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Percy Records – having friends over for birthday

February 11 2019, af mikkelarre

Photo: Cameron Pagett Percy Records 2 years, Mayhem and Bolsjefabrikken, February 2nd 2019 – live report by Ivna Franić It’s almost hard to believe that Copenhagen’s Percy Records has only just turned two. In the brief couple of years it’s been around Percy has come to be more than just a record store, with occasional record release parties and afternoon DJ sets contributing to the ...

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Croatian Amor – Examining the lethargic melancholia of the digital age

Kritik January 31 2019, af mikkelarre Photo: Jane Pain

Photo: Jane Pain Croatian Amor: “Isa” (Posh Isolation, 2019) – review by Ivna Franić Returning with his first album since 2016’s gorgeous “Love Means Taking Action”, Croatian Amor once again delves into desolate moods and meditations on navigating the digital world. If the previous LP hadn’t made it clear enough that the project was moving away from the tried combo of warm bubbly synths and ...

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Scandinavian Star – Klarhed og elegance gennemsyrer tragisk narrativ

Kritik January 25 2019, af emilgrarup

Scandinavian Star “Solas” (posh isolation, 2018) – Anmeldelse af Emil Grarup Malthe Fischer har netop udgivet sit solodebutalbum på københavnske Posh Isolation. Albummet, ”Solas”, er Fischers første længere udspil under aliasset Scandinavian Star. Tidligere har han udgivet to eponyme EP’er på hhv. amerikanske Ascetic House og japanske Big Love, begge i 2015. Desuden er han aktiv i synthpop-gruppen Lust for Youth. Både sangtitler som ”Candi”, ”Alang” og ”Regal V”, såvel som Fischers kunstnernavn, refererer til den samme hændelse: ...

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The Empire Line – The Oslo report

April 8 2018, af passive/aggressive IMG_0816

Reportage from The Empire Line, Varg, Croatian Amor, Vanity Productions at Blå, Oslo, 22.03.2018. Text and images by Cameron Pagett. There is a river which runs through the heart of Oslo. Beginning in the mountains and trickling its way down from the Artic sea on the northern tip of our continent, past fjords and craggy peaks which carve the stocking shaped country’s landscape into ...

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