Intonal Festival 2023 – Bold Choices
May 17 2023, af Ivna Franic

Intonal Festival, 26th–30th of April, Malmö. Review by Ivna Franic, Photos by Camilla Rehnstrand
Malmö’s Intonal Festival has made it a part of its image to present lineups that don’t necessarily fit the usual European festival mold. At first glance, the festival’s 2023 program gave the impression that the curators were either extremely daring or knew their audience very ...
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Året der gik – De bedste danske kassettebånd, oddsizes og compilations i 2018 (udvalgt af redaktionen)
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December 29 2018, af passive/aggressive

Årets mest værdsatte danske kassettebånd, oddsize-udgivelser og kompilationer fra 2018 i vilkårlig rækkefølge – ifølge redaktionen på Passive/Aggressive.
GEL “Drama Tools” (CS, NESM)Overordnet fremstår “Drama Tools” som en undersøgelse af evindelige opbygninger og nedbrydninger, hvilket især understreges af et nummer som “Down”, hvor den hvæsende percussion abrupt genstarter gang på gang i stedet for på nogen måde at skabe et ...
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Solid Blake – Monumental techno compositions with a rippling surface
December 10 2018, af Alexander Julin

Solid Blake “Warp Room” (Seilscheibenpfeiler, 2018) – review by Alexander Julin Mortensen
The Copenhagen-based Glaswegian producer Emma Blake, better known as Solid Blake, has made a name of herself both nationally as well as internationally. Apart from being part of Apeiron Crew along Smokey and Mama Snake as well as the duo Historical Repeater with Ctrls, Solid Blake made ...
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